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Pet-Only Application

Adopter Information:



Phone Number:

(This information is kept confidential)


Is the person primarily responsible for care of the rat over 18 years of age?


Do you rent? If so, does your lease allow rats?


Is everyone in the household rat friendly? ​


Have you owned rats before, and/or currently? What type of bedding/litter do you plan to use?​


What housing do you have available for your rats?

(A picture of cage is required. Please provide a picture of your personal cage along with a piece of paper inside that includes the date. )


Do you have a vet picked out who treats rats?

(I'd recommend calling for pricing, as this varies quite a bit with small animals. I can recommend the vet I use for my rats if requested.)


Have you ever bred rats or do you have any interest in breeding rats in the future?


Do you understand that the rats being sold are pet only, and not to be bred or live fed to another animal?


Do you have any questions for me?



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